Labels:book | bulletin board | gazette | poster | sky OCR: What's New This Issuei January 1994 Vol 14-1 DESKTOP MEDIA 16-bit digital audio. and Archive Films provides Reference Library. The study memory continues CLEAN -UP VSHIELD and more to keep your PC Feature The NautilusCD Guide to Digital Aucio anctner sample movie clip.for your use in Psychology Corner virus -trer oifers the fallpwing 'An Aucio Overview derines Teachers Resources Demo one of the innovative CD or Redbook MIDI aue PC audio ENTERTAINMENT multimedia classroom learning programs from SUBSCRIBER GUIDE Step-by-Step: An Audio Tulorial shows you how Pertormino Aris The Celestia Navi igations trio tells Torm Snyder Productions Resources and iniormation for new users how to hook up hardware to digitize audio set the story of "The Janitor. Experience South reach Custormer Service and Te ...